20 Must-Have Attributes of a Great Marketer

20 Must-Have Attributes of a Great Marketer

20 Must-Have Attributes of a Great MarketerBy: Joe Hupp
Published on: 26/05/2024

What does it take to be a great marketer? You don’t necessarily have to have studied marketing or even advertising in college—in fact, few of today’s top marketers did! Instead, the great marketing minds of the world have a certain set of characteristics that have vaulted them to the top of the heap.

Online Marketing
6 Delightfully Strange Marketing Campaigns

6 Delightfully Strange Marketing Campaigns

6 Delightfully Strange Marketing CampaignsBy: Joe Hupp
Published on: 15/11/2023

In a world where every medium is a chance to sell, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by mediocre messaging and boring branding. That’s why it’s so refreshing to see a company going out of the box with their marketing and taking a risk to reach their audience. For me, discovering a wacky new marketing campaign is somewhat akin to that first, huge inhale after holding your breath through the tunnel on your way home. (Did anybody else do that? Come on, I can’t be the only one.) For some reason, it’s just rejuvenating.

Online Marketing